5 Ways To Be Philanthropic When Traveling

Travel is a luxury; whether for business or pleasure, it’s still a great experience to get away and explore a new area, its culture, and its lifestyle. It’s natural to feel fortunate and to live life to its fullest; however, it’s also worth giving back to the community when you can. Using travel philanthropy to make a difference in the world can be incredibly enjoyable and worthwhile, as you’ll go on a pleasurable adventure and share that experience with others. Here are 5 ways to simultaneously lend a helping hand when traveling across the globe.

Look Into Travel Philanthropy Organizations

There are several organizations focused on travel philanthropy, where you can set up opportunities to play a part in the community and work hands-on with its people. By booking with a travel agent and researching viable projects, you’ll be able to find something that suits your needs and still gives back to a powerful cause. Such examples include Elevate Destinations, GlobalGiving, and The Blue Yonder, among others.

Volunteer In The Area

Whether you’re travelling for work or to visit friends and family, it’s normal to find some downtime amidst obligations. Taking this opportunity to find a local organization that could use assistance from volunteers could really make a difference in the community you’re visiting. By volunteering when traveling, you’ll also get to better know the people in the town you’re in and leave with a real, genuine experience.

Support Local Vendors

When you’re out and about, wandering the city of choice, make a pit stop at a local farmer’s market, food stand, food truck, or coffee shop to support a local cause when traveling. Not only will you get to experience the environment you’re in and get to meet some pretty interesting people, but you’ll also be contributing to growing local businesses and impacting the community.

Stay At Hotels That Give Back

By booking a trip at hotels that give back, you’ll be able to use philanthropic travel to its greatest potential and directly know which cause you are contributing to with a simple click of a confirmation. Some hotels and brands are donating a portion of proceeds to local organizations to give back to their communities.

Practice Sustainability

Find a hotel that uses sustainability strategies to better the environment. By being sustainable when traveling, you’ll be able to give back in a simple way. Re-use towels when you can, turn off lights when you leave the room, don’t let the water run when you’re not using it, recycle if it’s available, drink fair-trade coffee if it’s served, and use the proper “flusher” system if it’s available. These little details will surely add up!